Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dear Iris

Your mommy spent about 5 hours at the hospital today. I had two terrible shots! Seems you're anxious to get here. I guess that may not exactly be true, since it's my body that's doing the contracting, you're just being your perfect little self, all squished and warm and constantly adjusting to make space.

I talk to you a lot. I probably pray for you more than that.

Today I was told that I'm "AMA" Advanced Maternal Age. Well, yeah! This means that you'll have one of those "old moms" when you grow up. When you're in college, I'll be about 60. You'll have friends who's parents will only be in their 40's (or younger!). I hope you'll be ok with this.

Being pregnant with you has been so wonderful. Even with all the extra pokes and prods and doctors and hospital visits, I love you just the same. I might even love you more, since daddy and I have worked so hard to get you here.

Your daddy is just the best guy. He's taken over about everything about the house and the meals and your brother and sisters so that I could lie still most of the day and try to keep you safe. Daddy gives great hugs and kisses. Daddy gives treats! (you'll learn that he's Lord Of The Swag Candy at our house in a year or two, no doubt). Daddy doesn't like the cat much, but don't let that throw you. He still brought me home the cat we have now, when I was feeling sad. (She's kinda cranky.) Daddy works hard and is smart. Daddy likes to take your sibs to bookstores and out for Saturday morning doughnuts. Daddy loves all of us here at home, and he loves holding my tummy, giving you kisses and talking to you. You're going to like him.

Iris, I'm going to be 34 weeks pregnant with you tomorrow. If there's anything you can do on your end to stay in there just a couple of more weeks - I promise I can make it worth your while. I'll let you wear whatever weird outfit you want to on the first day of kindergarten. I'll put a zinger in your lunch once a week. I'll let you stay home from school sometimes just so you and I can hang out. I'll walk an extra block with you, even when I'm tired. I'll read the same book over and over just for you.

Please stay inside, just a little more.

I didn't really mind the shots as much as I said I did. It's worth it.

I love you,

1 comment:

  1. Ok, this just made me tear up a little. I loved this.
