My birthday is this coming Friday. I'll be 40. Pregnant and 40. Remember those t-shirts you'd see years ago that said "I'd rather be 40 than pregnant?" Well, I want one that says "I'd rather be Pregnant AND 40." I don't think they'll be very many buyers other than myself.
I've been on bed rest for - forever - it seems. I'm really active at church, being the Primary president (which means I'm kind of in charge of all the children's Sunday activities from ages 18 months until they turn 12) and I haven't been able to be there for 2 months. Bless the women who work with me on this, they've really picked up the ball and kept things going. I'm going to owe them big time.
Something else I really miss is taking the sacrament (kind of like communion) every Sunday. It gives me a chance to think about the promises I've made to my Heavenly Father, and the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for me. It's also something I've pretty much taken for granted all these years. But going without... that's a different story!
Finally, a couple of weeks ago some of the young men in our congregation began bringing me the Sacrament, in my home. They're really very professional about the whole thing... that is to say they're very reverent. I've seen these boys playing basketball, or coming home from campouts. Not terribly reverent, if you get my drift. But here, in my living room on Sunday, they take what they're doing seriously and I am uplifted and edified by their work. Bless those young men.
As it so happened, the entire Primary made me birthday cards this past Sunday - plus a huge, oversized card with their names and hands outlined on it. What a lot of work that must have been for the leaders! I was touched. When the young men came over to bring me the Sacrament, the youngest of them said "Oh, is it your birthday? Happy Birthday." I thanked him and then my husband chimed in "yep, she's going to be 27." I grinned at his joke and said "yeah, I'm super old" to which young man said "aww, you're not old until you turn 40."
Gee, thanks.
La Salvation
3 years ago
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