Friday, July 9, 2010

You'd think I would do this more.

I was all kinds of excited to post my thoughts. Daily. Serious.

But then this really big thing got in the way. It's my belly.

Ok, not so much just the huge, protruding belly, but the necessity to keep Iris safe and inside and cooking as long as possible. I've been, what?, 8 weeks on bed rest so far and I have 9 to go to reach 40 weeks. Meds for the pre-term labor. No church, no work, no shopping, no taking the wee ones to the splash pad. I can't even sit for any length of time to make the super adorable dresses for the girls that I want to...

I've even been told that I can't do the laundry or vacuum.

My husband, bless him, has been a champ. He's up early with kids, drives them around, picks them up, makes dinner (a summer of ramen noodles and Sonic isn't going to kill them, right?) and still spends time with me, reading books out loud and calling me his "svelte ballerina". Currently, I am anything but.

So, in conclusion, I like writing things down in this occasionally. However, I like Iris more. She'll be here soon and then I'll have a totally different excuse for not writing.

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